Tuesday 15 July 2008

Movies You Should See Before You Die - Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde (1920)

John S Robertson's Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde is one of the first adaptions of the classic Robert Louis Stevenson Novella(with other versions being made in 1912 1910), and one of the best ever IMO.

All though not in the ground breaking terrotory of Dr. Caligari, Its a very entertaining watch, the plot as I'm sure everyone knows is so nowhere near as complicated as caligari (not that caligari is praticulary complicated but in silent film terms its practically momento)the plot concerns Dr. Jekyll who as well as a doctor is also a philanthropist and runs a free clinic to treat the poor. Its this Philanthropic attitude that arouses the suspicions of his fiance's father,Sir George Carew, who seems to believe that he's too good to be true. After dinner one night Sir George taunts Jekyll claiming that he has no life by devoting his to the poor. This is the key turning point in the film. This simple act gets Jekyll thinking, and experimenting, trying to separate his 2 natures, to create a new being. And ultimately The hideously evil Mr. Hyde is born. This starts Jekyll's double life, Dr. Jekyll, the kindhearted doctor engaged to a prominent member of society's daughter. And Mr. Hyde and evil braggart, who frequents opium dens and begins a relationship with a dance hall girl, Gina. Every time Jekyll Changes to Hyde , Hyde is worse each time, more disfigured, More evil.

Things go well and Jekyll's double life is completely unknown, but his continuing absences are causing suspicion, especially with his Fiance' Millicent Carew. Not wanting to see his daughter unhappy, Sir George decides to find Jekyll for himself, how ever encounters Hyde attacking a young child on the street.To make recompense for his actions,Hyde produces a check which he returns to the boy's father. Carew notices that the check has been signed by Jekyll and proceeds to go and confront the Doctor. however he meets Jekyll's servant, Poole, who relays the tale of Jekyll and Hyde; "It is so unfortunate that Dr. Jekyll turns into Edward Hyde"

Meanwhile Jekyll is in his lab, having changed back. Carew enters and asks what business Jekyll has with Hyde Carew proclaims unless Jekyll has a decent explanation, the engagement is off. This enrages him to the point where he becomes Hyde with no potion, and proceeds to beat Carew to death with his walking stick and fleeing the scene narrowly avoiding the police.

Millicent is now grieving and Jekyll is tortured by his evil doings and has run out of potion to change back in to Jekyll. HE locks himself away terrified that he will become the evil Hyde at any moment. Looking for comfort she goes to see him, as he changes he lets her in and grabs her in his arms. Suddenly he begins to shake and convulse uncontrollably. Millicent runs meeting Lanyon, Utterson and Pool at the door, they enter and find Jekyll dead in a chair, free from Hyde.

I Love this film, its not as good as Dr. Caligari, but its moody and well directed. It contains a classic transformation scene, for which no make up was used the first time, relying simply on the actors ability. Maybe its not on a par with the lon chaney werewolf transformation but its a brilliant moment in the film. the last momnts of this film are its strongest in my opinion, you know the final transformations coming, and the tense atmosphere and the thrill! you know whats coming, your actually on the edge of your seat with excitement, you want to see hyde taht final time and when it happens as she enters, you dont know whats coming, will he kill her?! and bam. he dies. simple. no lame killer rises from teh grvae twist. Jekyll/Hyde dies and the film ends. as it should.

A Classic and a definate must see.

too much horror... at teh moment.. next time a comedy.. harold lloyd, chaplin or keaton.. im not sure which but definately a comedy next time.

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