Sunday 13 July 2008

The Beginning, The End and everything inbetween...

Hi, I’m Evangeline…I’ve never done a bloggy before (hence why I’ve been naïve and cheesy and called it a ‘bloggy’), so I apologise in advance if this spirals into an uninteresting guest-spot by me. As you may have already known, we are huge XF fans, amongst other things, but I think it is safe to say that The X-Files is what brought us initially together.

Here lies Tales from the Deep Throat Duvet (deep throat being the informant in the Watergate scandal and XF, not the (yada yada yada!) which we will NOT go into at this early hour!) Ahem…moving swiftly on, this blog is basically an on-going account of our lives and the run-up to and aftermath of XF:IWTB, with also some discussion on other matters of interest that may pop into our heads as we type this. Namely films, music, adolescent life and maybe, if the mood takes us…The X-Files. We wanted a radio show, but realised I sounded nasally on tape. This was the next best thing. Enjoy. Terry Wogan eat your heart out.

P.S. If you need us, you could always place an ‘X’ on your window, we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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