Sunday 13 July 2008

I Guess I Qualify As The Middle???

So Im the other half of this relationship...
Im Callum and i also have never had a blog.. So i better do some explaining. The deepthroat duvet refers to a bootleg x files duvet i bought of ebay which contains this image:

so yeah thats explained... and yeah its become a running dirty joke between me and Evangeline.

Ok ive explained the injoke... god i feel and idiot.. theres people doing a jungian analysis of the x files and im here explaing a dirty joke... anyway... so yes.. erm.. well okay now i have to write other things... Well i Love film, so does evangeline.. but she doesnt like cinnamon, nor does she do the sexual act where deep throats name omes from. her reason being its not a very evangeline thing to do. More in future blogs. She's gonna kill me..

1 comment:

captjojo said...

I'm taking that as a